Saturday, June 30, 2012

Do you know what's in your soap?

Most people do not realize that the skin can absorb in the upwards range of 60% of what is put on it, i.e. lotions, soaps, oils, cleaners, etc.. Depending on the ingredient and where it is placed on the body the skin can absorb as much as 100%. Did you know that what your skin absorbs can, and most likely will, get into your bloodstream. Think about that the next time you use Bath & Body Works lotions and what nots.

With the seeming influx of Cancer it has caused me to be more aware of what I put in and on my body. Over the last few years it has become more crucial that I learn more about the products and ingredients I purchase on a regular basis, and how important using all natural and organic products has become. I believe that it is extremely important to know, understand, and be able to pronounce the ingredients in the products that I consume internally and externally.

Now I must admit that there are some products that I have not given up but it is a work in progress. However, I do believe we should all do our part in trying bring the stuff we love back to the basics,   shopping local, and supporting your farmers markets.

Pleasant Earth Soap Company would like to stress that we do not use any artificial ingredients, hardeners, detergents, parabens, or any of the other crap you can not pronounce that may make you break out in hives and start convulsing on the floor. We only use essential oils, organic herbs, organic milks, and natural colorants that your skin will love, appreciate, and even give you a pat on the back to thank you. Can you say that about your soap?

Be sure to stop by our website for any of our wonderful soaps. And check out our Etsy shop to customize your own soap.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Cucumber Summer Makes Its Return for the Season

If you were fortunate to be one of our wonderful customers last Spring and Summer there's a great possibility that you may have purchased and bathed with one of our most popular soaps of the season "Cucumber Summer." It's back!!!! This sudsy sensation is made with fresh pureed cucumbers, coconut, olive, soybean, palm, and canola oils, Shea butter, and a wonderful blend of essential oils. Available now through the end of summer.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Any season is a perfect time for your special occaison

Picture it. . .You're a fabulous host and like any party you put together you want everything to go perfect. Location (check!), personally designed invitations (check!), delectable finger foods (check!), awesome decorations (check!), and or course a unique and most awesome hostess gift for your fabulous guest. . .Soap! (Double check!)

We just finished a custom order for our wonderful friend Kathy M. who is hosting a lovely baby shower for her sister who is expecting twins. Each of her 20 guest will receive three different guest size soaps. She is also doing two gift baskets, feminine and masculine, each to include 3 full size soaps, a whipped Shea butter, and Shea butter lip balms.

We have a host of options for you to choose from: goat milk, soy milk, coconut milk, and non milk soaps, botanicals, essential oils, and custom packaging of your choosing. Customize your special soaps almost anyway you can imagine and have your guest leave with a natural and usable gift. Just remember we keep it Natural.Simple.Clean.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Chocolate Rose Loofah

February is among us already and love is in the air. We have come up with the perfect soap for the occasion. . .Chocolate Rose Loofah. This is our Goat milk base soap made with real chocolate, rose petals, and scented with orange essential oil. Give a unique gift of love that you and your sweetheart can use together.